Tuesday, July 05, 2005

From Mexico City

Here I am,
In a strange land,
Full of strange people,
Everything's different even the sand.
The language, especially,
Sounds weird to the ear,
The culture and customs are new,
Here I'm even encouraged to drink beer.
But from what I have learned,
What I have heard,
Here what seems right to them,
To me seems absurd.
It just goes to show you,
How you are raised,
What you learn is right,
Is wholly culture-based.
Your environment is everything,
Its people, your world,
Everything can change,
When that world you know is twirled.
How quickly it happens,
It takes you by surprise,
But as you adjust,
You see all through new eyes.
A people so different,
A culture so new,
And as you live in it,
It becomes part of you.
You join with these people,
You feel what they feel,
You live through their lives,
Suddenly you're part of their wheel.

But only for a short time,
Soon I will return home,
I will return to what I know,
To the part of this world I own.



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