Sunday, September 18, 2005


People don't really listen. We all have something to say, and we all think that it's more important than anything anyone else could want to say. So we talk, but we don't listen. This is truly a shame, because it just illustrates how selfish and self-centered we are. Yes, we are very selfish. We all want to talk, and we all want to be heard, but we aren't willing to listen. So who's listening? That's a very good question, and the truth is, there aren't many people listening. So, even if we had something worth saying, which we usually don't, nobody's going to hear it. Now what? Well, we need to learn to listen, basically. Easy? I don't think so. I've tried, but I usually end up returning to my old ways. For the little time I have actually spent listening, though, I've learned an awful lot. A lot more than I've ever learned from talking. That's why I'm writing this, because I listened to something someone else had to say, and I realized just how little we actually listen. The message was very clear, and it made me feel a little guilty, so I listened some more, and guess what? I learned some more. It really is amazing just how much we can benefit from switching roles once in a while. We can learn so much more, and we can feel so much better fulfilled. And do you know what? It's actually less work. Well sort of, because we're so used to talking, it actually takes a lot more effort to listen, so I guess you have to decide for yourself which is harder. All you have to do so is stop everything, sit back, and enjoy. Then, since we are what we are, we can take what we've heard, and we can tell it to other people. Maybe a few of them will listen, and they will benefit from what you have learned. Progress. What a beautiful thing. Too bad it can't go a little quicker, we might actually figure things out before it's too late.

There is another side to this, though, we often have very important and meaningful things to say, and in that case, why shouldn't we be able to talk about it? Well, we should be able to, and we should talk about such things as often as we can. The problem is, everyone else is talking, too, and nobody's going to hear you. Nobody's going to respond to what you have to say, and you will have wasted yourself. It's so difficult. We're so difficult. You just keep trying, though, and you just keep hoping that someday you'll get an educated response. Someone just may have been listening, and they just might have cared. But it's so hard to find these people. They truly are treasures. When you find one, hold on to them.

So there are two sides to the issue. What should you do now? Well, what I do, is I try to talk and listen, and respond as much as possible. It's hard to balance it, but at least I'm making an attempt. When you don't have anything worth saying, let someone else talk. Listen to what they have to say. Think about it. And most importantly, respond, this will let them know you were listening. This is the most important part, because most everyone enjoys hearing what other people have to say about what they have said. Then, when you do have something to say, more people will listen to you, and some of them just might respond, and not only will they learn from you, but you will learn from them. Benefits.

Just some thoughts on listening, if anyone out there is listening to what I've said here, I'd love to hear from you, because as I've said, I will listen.



Blogger Anki said...

i agree.

but when ppl are not heard, they tend to close up. and tht is the last thing they shud do. one more thing while listening, we shud keep in mind hw we r reacting... because somtimes even when we listen we tend to put our speakers off.

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:15:00 AM  

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