Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Renaissance

[1] I want to submerge my head,
In a bucket of cool, clean water,
And when I raise my face from it,
I want to see a new world around me.

[2] I want to go to bed one night,
And fall asleep under my warm covers,
But when the morning comes,
I want to wake up in a different bed,
And I want to open my eyes to a fresh day.

[3] I want to lie down in the grass,
And close my eyes on the dark clouds,
I want to feel the firm ground beneath me,
And when I open my eyes,
I want to see a new sky,
A sky full of different clouds and a bright sun.

[4] I want to open my front door,
My bare feet on the cool wood floor,
And look out on a new front lawn,
I want to look out on a different place.

[5] I want to lie down on my bed,
And I want to play my favorite album,
And as the music begins to play,
I want to hear new sounds,
I want to hear fresh songs.

[6] I want to walk outside in the rain,
To let the heavy water drops fall on my skin,
As I stand alone with my eyes closed,
I want to feel like a new person,
As the rain drips off of me, cleansing me.

I want a fresh start, a new beginning, a rebirth.



Blogger Anki said...

"A Renaissance" ... may be that what we all really need...

Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:42:00 AM  

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