Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Window

Monday, March 28, 2005

III. No Matter

So I sit myself down,
And I try to discern,
What is to blame,
Why do I yearn?
But no matter where I turn,
No matter what I read,
No matter what I hear,
No matter what I see,
Nothing holds the answer;
Noone holds the key.


Monday, March 14, 2005

II. Mind Trap

Now that I'm here,
What do I do?
I've been searching,
But I havn't found anything new.
Everything here,
I already know;
Everything here,
I've already been shown.
So I turn around,
I look back out,
I try to yell,
But noone hears a sound;
What do I do?
Now I'm trapped,
I cannot leave,
I am imprisoned in my own head.


Saturday, March 12, 2005

I. In a World...

IN A WOLRD of crazy people,
One sometimes wonders who to believe,
Everyone has an opinion,
Everybody has the right,
But what is true,
Who has that sight?
So, one turns away,
One tries to run,
But where to turn,
Except inside?
